Kvartalsregnskab (1.del)

(30.april.2016) Inat drømte jeg, at jeg (igen) var mål for et Mossad-hit. En klarsyns-drøm er i almindelighed, ial fald for mit vedkommende, telepatisk, d.v.s. jeg læser “i æteren” de tanker som nogen gør sig om dette eller hint mens jeg sover, eller næsten-sover. Telepati er som bekendt videnskabeligt påvist og som sådan i vistnok anerkendt af de fleste.

Mossad føler sig altså nu modig nok til igen konkret at planlægge et hit; hvilket utvivlsomt skyldes, at man nu mener undertegnede ringhed har gjort sig så tilpas utilbens over så stor en del af det politiske spektrum, at man påregner at have politisk opbakning (“den som tier samtykker”) til at fortsætte med sin vigtige opgave også her i landet: At kidnappe/dræbe “the best and the brightest” af “the Goyim”.

Lad os derfor se lidt på nogle af de sidste “forbrydelser”, som har gjort mig værdig til capital punishment by the mob.

Jeg vil gribe sagen an på den måde, at jeg vil gennemgå nogle af de notater, jeg gennem det seneste kvartal har gjort mig, primært med henblik på tweets på www.twitter.com/gamleboeger (en stor del af notaterne har derfor allerede været posteret på twitter). Jeg vil altså fremdrage det, som jeg føler stadigvæk kan være mere eller mindre væsentligt.

Vi begynder o. 1.febr. og håber at nå frem til o. 1.maj.2016 inden for længe. Jeg vil naturligvis bestræbe mig på at fremdrage alle de mest kritiske og kontroversielle notater, så alle kan se hvor slem jeg er. (Notaterne vedr. 1.-12.febr., men kommer ikke i streng datoorden).


The ECB has used loans and liquidity as a weapon to loot European nations.

that central banks intentionally impoverish their host countries to justify economic and legal changes which allow looting by foreign interests

Central Banks Are Trojan Horses, Looting Their Host Nations

(Joseph Stiglitz) says that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank loan money to third world countries as a way to force them to open up their markets and resources for looting by the West


Russia Prime Minister Warns US and Arab Countries: Invading Syria “will start a new world war”


Nummerplade-skanner: “Som tyve i natten, der stjæler endnu en grundpille under din frihed”

“Fantastiskt, chikanøst magtmisbrug”? Rolig nu – dyr i Zoo har intet krav på privatliv

Nummerplade-skanning: Dr.Pind’s “snuskede muldvarpearbejde” til fordel for CIA/Mossad blackmail af danske VIP?

CIA/Mossad blackamil: “Selv myndigheder i andre lande kan politiet uden dommerkendelse dele data fra registeret med”


10 Secret CIA Prisons You Do Not Want To Visit

KZ-lager: US has admitted to holding at least 26,000 people in secret prisons

Reprieve discovered that the US was operating a fleet of “floating prisons” that span the globe

Reprieve’s research pointed to at least 17 US warships being used as secret CIA black sites


NATO-Aufrüstung in Europa – gegen Europa oder Gespenster? Massive NATO-Truppen-Erhöhung in Osteuropa


Es gibt kein moralisches Recht auf unbeschränkte Einwanderung… sagt


Nothing comes for FREE. “Free” is just a relative term. Maybe you are paying the greatest cost to owning Windows10.

Windows 10 Sends Your Data 5500 Times Every Day Even After Tweaking Privacy Settings

“Windows10.nsa”? “In an eight hour period Windows 10 tried to send data back to 51 different Microsoft IP addresses over 5500 times”

Windows 10.nsa Worst Secret Spins Out Of Control…
Back in November Microsoft confirmed Windows 10’s worst kept secret: its extensive telemetry (or ‘spying’ as it has been labelled) cannot be stopped. What no-one realized until now, however, is just how staggering the extent of this tracking really is…

Blowing the lid on it this week is Voat user CheesusCrust whose extensive investigation found Windows 10 contacts Microsoft to report data thousands of times per day. And the kicker? This happens after choosing a custom Windows 10 installation and disabling all three pages of tracking options which are all enabled by default.

The raw numbers come out as follows: in an eight hour period Windows 10 tried to send data back to 51 different Microsoft IP addresses over 5500 times. After 30 hours of use, Windows 10 expanded that data reporting to 113 non-private IP addresses. Being non-private means there is the potential for hackers to intercept this data. I’d argue this is the greatest cost to owning Windows 10.

Taking this a step further, the testing was then repeated on another Windows 10 clean installation again with all data tracking options disabled and third party tool DisableWinTracking was also installed which tries to shut down all hidden Windows 10 data reporting attempts. At the end of the 30 hour period Windows 10 had still managed to phone home with data 2758 times to 30 different IP addresses.

the rest can be read at Forbes below…


“Negative Rates Are Dangerous” OECD Chair Warns “Our Entire System Is Unstable”


The United States’ Feral Reserve System is first and foremost above the law. The Feral Reserve is well protected by the bribed political class from the political police in the Feral government (the FBI). The Feral Reserve is a corrupt and Unconstitutional organization that is privately owned by and for the benefit of a cartel of the biggest of the Too Big To Fail banks. The Feral Reserve is a criminal organization whose TRUE mandate is enriching the obscenely rich and the Oligarchy by stealing from the American People.

The Feral Reserved System over the past seven years has stolen at a miniumum $500,000,000,000 per year, each and every year, from American deposit savings account holders via its criminal suppression of interest rates known as Zero Interest Rate Policy or ZIRP. The Feral Reserve has stolen similar, if not even greater amounts, from pension plans, insurance companies, owners of corporate and government bonds, etc.

How many American workers pension plans will fail over just the next decade due to ZIRP? How many American workers will find they own worthless insurance policies over the next decade due to ZIRP?

The political class is well paid off through bribery to allow the Feral Reserve to continue preying upon not only American workers, but workers around the world.


Tidligere dramachef Ingolf Gabolds tilståelse, at DR helt bevidst har produceret endeløs og politiserende venstreorienteret propaganda.


Ja, når Politiet skal udføre Forsvarets (grænsebevogtnings) opgaver, går der kludder i regnskabet


Sandelig heldigt at Sygdomsstyrelsen har sygeplejersker og en hjerneskadet læge at gøre ansvarlige for “dødsuheld”?


Præsentation af ny lovgivning som et “værn mod terror og radikalisering” lukker munden på kritikerne… siger


Forskelsbehandling: Fint nok – men er forskelsbehandling i virkeligheden ikke forbudt?


Does MorganStandley say it blandly, without blushing: We WILL steal your savings – cash and all?


Obama-Xi together against Russia? I think Mr.Xi’s bodylanguage in Cal. may always have worried me a bit?


Spying in the U.S. is worse than under Nazi Germany, the Stasi, J. Edgar Hoover … or Orwell’s 1984.

The government is already spying on us through our computers, phones, cars, buses, streetlights, at airports and on the street, via mobile scanners and drones, through our smart meters (update) and in many other ways.

In the future, intelligence services might use the [IoT] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials

Yesterday, U.S. Intelligence Boss James Clapper said that the government will spy on Americans through the internet of things (“IoT”):


Negative interest rates is consistent with agenda drive small banks out of business, consolidate banking sectors in industrialised countries, increasing concentration and control in the banking sector.


It is well established that America and its allies founded and funded ISIS and still fund it today

All over Syria, convoys of gear, some carrying complete factories, moved back into Turkey, were reassembled and are now operated by favoured members of the governing clan

When the Turks, sorry terrorists, took over their part of the city, as they did elsewhere they stripped it of anything useful, especially manufacturing and office equipment

“Yes! We will continue liberating Syria until every last Syrian has fled or is dead. They can thank us later”


NewYorkTimes harcelerer “Denmark’s Cruelty Toward Refugees”. Men hvad med f.eks. Israel’s “cruelty toward refugees”?


400.000 timer for 1 død? Hvor mange timer har politiet bevogtet patienter på hospitalerne med 3000 dødsulykker p.a.?


After 1,428 Years, Here’s What Brought Down The World’s Oldest Business: What Kongo Gumi couldn’t survive was debt


Dr.Pind’s overvågning: a tyranny imposed for our own good is the worst form of tyranny because it is a tyranny without limits

“Sessionslogning”? Kært barn har mange navne; men det er vist bare en normal dansk eufemisme for “Stasi-stat”?

To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, a tyranny imposed for our own good is the worst form of tyranny because it is a tyranny without limits


Negative Interest? Nothing new – just stealing savings not already stolen by “counterfeit-money-printing”

What needs to be done according to DeutscheBank is – not surprisingly: Steal savers funds and cash?

Banks to steal savers funds and cash? Great idea; that should calm down the sheeple, make them take more entrepreneural risks?


Et nyt overvågningsforslag vil øge kortlægningen af borgernes bevægelser via mobiltelefoner. Ved hjælp af et datasæt fra et teleselskab giver Information et bud på, hvor indgribende overvågningen kan blive

Nyt forslag vil øge registreringen af borgernes bevægelser

»Tsk. Enhedslistens snuskede muldvarpearbejde kender ingen grænser,« skrev han på Twitter. En betegnelse som Justitsministeriet i går ikke ønskede at uddybe over for Information, men som Nikolaj Villumsen bestemt ikke er tilfreds med.

»Jeg synes, det er helt ekstremt arrogant og på ingen måde en minister værdigt. Vi taler om en minister, som har løjet over for Folketinget, og som nu tydeligvis er sur over at sandheden kommer frem. Det er uværdigt,« siger han.

Det skal være slut med at assistere amerikanerne i at forsøge at få hentet Edward Snowden hjem til retsforfølgelse i USA. Og justitsminister Søren Pind (V) får ikke andet ud af at råbe op om andre partiers »snuskede muldvarpearbejde«, end at han selv fremstår uværdig.

Sådan lyder det fra Enhedslisten, efter at justitsminister Søren Pind fredag måtte erkende, at et amerikansk fly i sommeren 2013 holdt klar i Københavns Lufthavn for at kunne transportere whistlebloweren til USA.

De snuskede muldvarpe slår tilbage: Vil stoppe dansk deltagelse i jagten på Snowden

Pinds “Snuskede muldvarpearbejde”? Først og fremmest vigtigt af hensyn til CIA/Mossads muligheder for ubegrænset blackmail af danske VIP’s

VenstresUngdom undsiger forslag om genindføre it-overvågning “uden praktisk anvendelse i virkeligheden”


70 Years of Harassing and Controlling Europe – US occupiers


“Femern-forbindelsen er et inderligt godt projekt for nogle entreprenører; men for en syns skyld skal vi lige have kogt nogle tal sammen”?


Is N.Korea really just another globalist-puppet? Rocket launch may give USA pretext placing more rockets in S.Korea against Russia?


Most important issue for Danish, Polish surveillance is give CIA/Mossad unlimited opportunities for blackmail of politicians, judges, civilservants

US military, State Dept ‘leadership’ lie about Russia invading NATO, laugh at media asking for evidence.


Stealing Elections Is Easier Than You Can Imagine… Princeton UNI scientists show


Facebook’s War On Freedom Of Speech; “Remove the right to speak about your frustrations and only violence is left”


A Wounded Deutsche Bank to CentralBanks: Stop Easing, You Are Crushing Us; end easy money!


It begins: UK wants authority to serve warrants in US; So US wants authority serve warrants in Europe?


Hurricane Patricia’s winds reached 350km/h: Strongest wind speed ever measured in a hurricane in the Western Hemisphere.


Haney worked at the Department of Homeland Security for 15 years: “DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties”


How to fight tyranny? Only important thing is do your best – because there is no winners and no losers

If you fight tyranny, there is a chance. If you do not fight, then failure is guaranteed. The “odds” are irrelevant


The mission to steal the savers money – cash and everything – by the 200 rulers of world finance?


(NSA stooge) Google rigged? Aanirfan thinks so (copy that! – Google don’t show “gamleboeger.dk” whereas BING does…)

The post box in Bermuda numbered 666 which receives Google profits worth £8BILLION a year

•Google has no offices or staff in Bermuda but sends billions of profit there
•Island has a 0 per cent rate of corporation tax and is used as a tax haven

But Google claims it has no ‘permanent base’ in the UK despite vast offices
•Britain lobbied EU not to put sanctions on Bermuda for sheltering tax


German spy agency says ISIS sending fighters disguised as refugees… (via drudgereport.com)


Er pengesedler også i Danmark “det eneste tilladte betalingsmiddel?” i henhold til loven. Som i Tyskland i.h.t. Bundesbank

Deutsche Bundesbank: “Die Regierung dürfe über Barzahlungen nicht vergessen, dass Banknoten das einzige gesetzliche Zahlungsmittel sind”


IT-overvågning: Mere friheds-tyveri efter salami-metoden;

Tele-Overvågning: Vi kan vel gå ud fra, at borgerne til gengæld får adgang til alle oplysninger of Christiansborgs it- og hjemmesideforbrug?

NSA og Eschelon (industri)spionage: Al generel overvågning burde i stedet forbydes af hensyn til arbejds- og erhvervslivets interesser;

Overvågnings oplysningerne bliver MED SIKKERHED tilgængelige for de udenlandske efterretningsmafiaer NSA, Mossad, CIA etc

IT-overvågning? En registrering af opkald m.m. er utvivlsomt brud på telefonhemmeligheden!

I Grundlovens §72 bl.a.: “- brud på post-, telegraf- og telefonhemmeligheden må (-) alene ske efter retskendelse”

Grundlovens §77 slutter: “Censur og andre forebyggende forholdsregler kan ingen sinde på ny indføres”. Er det for svært?


Konservativt kan strande Venstres naturbyggeplaner? Hmm – Greven af WallStreet lader sig ikke så let standse – langt tilløb fra Charlottenlund til Klitmøller!


You must be kidding: There ought to be 1000 times more faschists with other beliefs than Norse?


Flere sanktioner – men hurtigt! Så kan vi måske nå 500 flere fyringer i år?


Mere dansk eufemistisk berøringsangst: PET for hemmeligt politi, SKAT for toldere og HENTE for kid-nap?

Det ministeren mener er vel, at det hemmelige fly skulle transportere en kidnappet Snowden (til USA)?


Israel is to receive at least 1o of the AGNI VI missiles secretly developing with India, each carrying up to 20 warheads of 550 kilotons


“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything US-public believes is false” (CIA dir.)


Group of scientists gave standing ovation for plan to kill 90 percent of human population with airborne Ebola

Pianka basically likened humans to bacteria during his extensive rant, claiming that we are destroying the planet and need to be culled in mass numbers.




Cash: Firtly they stole your gold-dollars and gave you paper-dollars; now they will steal even your paper-dollars – give you IOU’s instead

Bloombergs ban on cash: There can be no free citizens without right to posess their own money. Else you’re just a number in the bankers books

So just for the record: mr. Bloomberg wants to outlaw us – the citizens – as “dirty, dangerous, unwieldy and expensive”?


Summa summarum for 1.kvartals-regnskab: Det ser slemt ud, meget slemt! Mossad og deres venner på Borgen har virkeligt noget at have deres vrede i; men vent til næste regnskab, som kommer snart, og som er måske meget værre?


(posteres sideløbende på www.gamleboeger.dk og http://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com )

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