Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC

Today is Sunday and it’s been a real nice and sunny late autumn day. Its also the closing day of the ongoing dutch book sale in the Heilig Geist Church House here in downtown Copenhagen.

I’ve managed to haul a couple of bags shock full of 75-cents books all the way to a nice café not too far away. Even if four or five freezing street musicians did their best to blow me away with their electric amplifiers.

Frankly I don’t understand the City Council allows power amplified street music. It’s annoying for many passers-by and for the businesses nearby and, incidentally, too loud background music only tend to dilute or even totally drown the performers personal statements.

But here we are and I would like to mention a few of the books I fetched at the sale. But, as before, let’s first take a quick look at at a couple a my recent tweets (from twitter.com/gamleboeger). It’s the same text in all three tweets but with different links.

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018
STELLA NOVA – Menneskehedens farligste terroristvåben nogensinde?

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018

So it seems the Chinese are planning to build a particle accelerator much more powerful than Europe’s notorious CERN/LHC, the Large Hadron Collider.

I always thought the – relatively few, to be sure – chinese persons I have talked to seemed to be quite smart. But building and operating another Large Hadron Collider much, much more powerful than the CERN/LHC is obviously anything but smart.

Just from I posted my first comment on the Large Hadron Collider in (June 2014 and) January 2015, (Link 1) I’ve had a hard time grasping that seemingly no one from our top global leadership were able to apprehend the stark and imminent danger posed by monster machines like CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.

They are in fact monstrously large bombs, ‘able to blow up stars and planets’.

The worst case scenario is supposed to be our Earth blowing up like a Nova or even Supernova.

In which case the fireball could be typically 300 million km across (equal to the diameter of Earths orbit around the Sun) and hence evaporating Earth and (some of) the inner planets AND POSSIBLY KICKING OUR SUN RIGHT OUT OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY (Link 2).

Please read this short extract from the home page of Luis Sancho, top of the world theoretical physicist:

‘LUIS SANCHO – On himself: top of the world of systems sciences and cybernetics. IQ 180. But now 80% of my papers have been erased from ‘Google Scholars’.
See my best work, ‘Absolute relativity: the 5th dimension’, at kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Information-dimension-Space-Time-Sciences-ebook/dp/B005SS6ZE4/ref=sr_1_13?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1354750506&sr=1-13 )

On CERN science and scientists:

Cern is full of 20 something very smart who think because they have a ‘title’ and went through the industry of information they know a lot.

They are very smart. So smart that they will die of it. Because the Universe is NOT SMART BUT INTELLIGENT.

Smart people (try and) ‘cheat’ the laws of the Universe.

Those people are nuts, evil children, and they don’t even know they are

Absolute evil = death is 1/2 of the Universe

‘those who pretend to impose truth with power will be the laugh of the gods’. (Einstein)

The two biggest infamous basterds of modern science, the inventors of cybernetics and the H-bomb were obsessed with extinction.

‘They knew they were the parents of the two sciences, nuclear physics and robots that would kill us. They ONLY talked of THIS. It was their obsession

Don’t you get it? It is all a moral question!! They know they can kill the planet, they don’t care

They live off making weapons, they are nuclear scientists, they live with death.

When CERN crosses the so-called ‘bag number’ (number of strange quarks needed to coalescence into a strangelet) we shall die.


CERN is a cosmic bomb, able to blow up stars and planets, the 3rd evolution of nuclear bombs after the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb.’

(extracted from https://cerntruth.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/the-mayan-prophecy/

and a comment I posted on the widely read, critical blog aanirfan.blogspot.com in april 2017:

gamleboeger19 April 2017 at 06:44
http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2017/04/trump-at-war-with-assad-and-putin.html?showComment=1492609463358#c5895090473984166129 )

However it seems the CERN/LHC has now been (or is to be) shut down for 10 years ‘to be upgraded’. Has somebody perhaps seen the light after all?

The critical blog aanirfan.blogspot.com, writing since 2004, was suppressed from Blogger (a Google company) from Nov.10 until Dec.1. Most observers presumably think the actual reason was the penultimate entry, that dealt with a woman authors book critical of the main-stream holocaust story.

But probably this would not be the real reason. You see – the global TPTB have no qualms whatsoever with being flagged as evil or avaricious. That is merely some sort of an ideal for them, I’m afraid?

However they certainly cannot bear and tolerate being flagged as clueless – which is, nevertheless, what the CERN/LHC conundrum may perhaps have proven them to be?

Doesn’t the above exposition by Louis Sancho tend to strongly suggest that humans will be unable to understand and navigate the dangers of the Universe without a keen sense of morals? And not without a functioning right half-brain.

Hence the urgent issue for the TPTB with the outspoken and popular aanirfan blog – with thousands of hits daily – was perhaps more likely that aanirfan on April 19, 2017 had published my above comment with the exposé on and by Louis Sancho. Only several months later it was announced that the Large Hadron Collider was scheduled to be shut down ‘for 10 years’.

You need to be aware, ofcourse, that both my blogs and certainly the aanirfan blog have been read by the top power brokers of the world. And they couldn’t see the light?

Link 1.
(pls. scroll down for english text)
STELLA NOVA – Menneskehedens farligste terroristvåben nogensinde?

And (danish only)

Link 2.

But now today’s main dish, – a few more 75-cent books:

1. MATTHIAS CLAUDIUS OG HANS VENNEKREDS. Af Richard Petersen. Kjøbenhavn 1884, Schønbergs Forlag. 420 p. Bound in rather frugal half cloth. (Note 1)

Matthias Claudius (1740-1815) was a renowned german poet, writer and journalist. Also called ‘the Wandsbecker Bote’ after his like named journal (1770-75).

He knew/befriended many comtemporary german male and women writers and thinkers, among others Klopstock, Lessing, Herder, Jacobi, Lavater and Gallitzin.

The author Richard Petersen (1838-1905) was renowned as an author of biographies, among which the above ranks among his most important.

He also treated of Henrik Steffens, Thomas Kingo, Frederika Bremer, Mme de Staël Holstein, Jens Baggesen & Sofie v. Haller, J.K.Lavater and others.

Sadly he didn’t manage to finish his biography of Carl Ploug, the prominent Danish 19. century publisher, editor, poet and politician.

Wandsbeck, now part of greater Hamburg, was then a small city just outside Hamburg on the border to then more or less Danish Holstein.

In my childhood’s Jutland you might still hear old people say ‘go to Wandsbeck’ for ‘go to blazes’. Perhaps because the city of Wandsbeck in the past was thought to owe its existense to rouges, criminals and bankrupts.

From the preface: “Min bog har imidlertid et videregaaende formaal end at skildre selve Claudius’ livsførelse og gjerning, idet den tager sigte paa også at fremstille hans ‘vennekreds’.

“Jeg tror, de fleste læsere ville indrømme mig, at det saaledes er hensigtsmæssigst og bedst; han maa ses i sin samtid for at kunne forstaas.”

Note 1.
Only today (Nov.29.) I have noted an inscription from a previous owner on a flyleaf that somehow got stuck to another: ‘H.H.Lefolii, Jul 1885 – gave fra min hustru’ (i.e.: Christmas 1885 – present from my wife).

H.H. Lefolii (born in Copenhagen 1819 – d.1908) was a prominent nineteenth century school man and translator of historical sources. His wife was Christiane Dor. Julie Strandbygaard.

2. KRISTEN KOLD – FOLKEHØJSKOLENS BANEBRYDER. Af Frederik Nygård. Bd. 1-2. Odense, 1895, ca. 500 p. Taveligt, noget slidt halvlæder, bogblokken pæn og venholdt.

Kr. Kold (1816-70) was a Danish school pioneer of world wide renown. Perhaps his thinking on childrens schools was most widely acclaimed.

Here is a few lines from page 209, vol 2, that seems to summarize Kold’s mission statement:

‘I sin tale ved ‘Vennemødet’ i København den 11.Sept.1866 karakterisererde Kold sin højskolevirksomhed i følgende slutningsord:

‘Jeg vil slutte med den bemærkning, at oplysning har jeg næppe så godt greb paa, som jeg har paa oplivelse. Jeg opliver først, og saa oplyser jeg bagefter, eller i al fald opliver og oplyser jeg paa en gang.

‘Og det tror jeg er rigtigt, thi oplivelse er det, som man trænger til. Altsaa er det at oplive langt mere min opgave ved skolen end at oplyse.’

3. DEN MENNESKELIGE PERSONLIGHED OG DENS BESTAAEN EFTER LEGEMETS DØD. Af Frederic W.H.Myers. København, 1968-69, 2 vols., 667 + 637 p. Original cloth.

This is ofcourse the famous classic for everyone interested in the esoterical aspects of the human personality – like dreams, spooks, telepathy and so on and so forth.

It’s quite incredible you can buy these two massive volumes in rather nice condition for one-and-a-half quid!

4. GEORG BRANDES – I MODSIGELSERNES TEGN BERLIN 1877-83. Af Jørgen Knudsen. Gyldendal, 1988. 361 p. Softcover.

From the back cover:

‘Dette bind fortæller om de seks aar, Georg Brandes boede i Berlin i et frivilligt eksil – en central periode i hans liv og udvikling, desuden en særdeles veldokumenteret periode.

Nyt stof er beretningen om hans ægteskab. Her kastes et ganske grelt lys over hans rolle som kvindesagens forkæmper. Nyt stof er også beretningen om hans årelange betagelse af den gifte tyske kvinde Lulu v. d. Leyen – en dramatisk trekanthistorie, som skulle trække lange spor efter sig.

Også Brandes’ forhold til det moderne gennembruds mænd er belyst – hans forsøg på at holde sine folk til ilden og holde sammen på tropperne. Uden at blive oplevet som tyran af dem.

Et gennemgående tema i bogen er den rådvildhed og ubeslutsomhed, som denne viljekraftens besynger viser sig at være ramt af i disse år. Som tømmermænd efter rusen, sådan følger de lammende modsigelser efter den bevingede frigørelse. Men det er modsigelserne, der tvinger historien videre, når de bliver uudholdelige.’

Obviously another nice buy for 75 cents.

5. STRINDBERG ET ROUSSEAU. By Elie Poulenard. Paris, 1959, Presses Universitaires, 187 p., soft cover.

A fly leaf has this inscription: ‘A Monsieur le lecteur Bent Culmsee, hommage amical de l’auteur – E.Poulenard.

There are 17 parts, among which:

Chap. IX: Pourquoi Strindberg s’est-il proclamé disciple de Rousseau?

Appendice III: L’égocentrisme chez Rousseau et Strindberg

App. IV: Strindberg, Rousseau, Tolstoi, les socialistes agraires et la méthode d’attaque indirecte de Kierkegaard.

App. VII: Rousseau condamné par Nietzsche.

6. DE STORE ROMANER. Af Henning Kehler. København, 1940, Gyldendal, 188 p. soft cover.

From the back cover:

‘Faa foredragsserier i statsradiofonien har haft samme kvalitet og er blevet lyttet til under samme opmærksomhed hos den mere kræsne del af lytternes store skare som Henning Kehlers ‘De store Romaner’.

‘Henning Kehler har bagefter gennemskrevet foredragene og udvidet dem betydeligt. Bogen gennemgaar Gralsromanen, Tristanromanen, Don Quixote, Simplicius Simplicissimus, Robinson Krusoe, Gil Blas, Wilhelm Meister, Ivanhoe, Madame Bovary, Raskolnikov og En dansk Students Eventyr.

‘De store Romaner’ er en i sin art, ved sin idé og udførelse, enestaaende ledetraad i romanens historie og tolkning af de ypperste romanværker.’

7. HIPPOLYTE TAINE. ÉTAPES DE SON OEUVRE. par Paul-Victor Rubow. Copenhagen/Paris 1930, 157 p. Softcover.

I already own a copy of this litte book, but the present specimen is in very nice condition, and for 75 cents I thought I could afford a keeper and a user.

8. ARCHETYPES. The Persistence of Unifying Patterns. By Elemira Zolla (Rome). NewYork/London, 1982, 140 p. Hardcover.

From the front inside flap of the dustcover:

‘Throughout the world there persist constants known as archetypes – patterns of impulse, thought and behaviour that mold not only man’s history but also his dreams.

‘Professor Zolla shows ways to define and evaluate those patterns in their various guises, ancient and contemporary. He has gathered together a vast amount of material drawn from eastern and western traditions, from science, leterature, art and poetry. The interpretations he puts forward are often highly original and challenging to established ways of thinking.

‘There emerges from this book what can only be described as a global metaphysical system, yet professor Zolla’s language is not that of a treatise. Rather, he presents a brilliant series of lessons in the art of centering, which allows us to relate to the archetypes creatively.

‘Zolla’s deep, polymathic probing of the terms of human existence makes it sensible to compare him with Simone Weil, while some of his conclusions about ultimate mysteries – expressed in signs, symbols, and sacraments, the sense of which we have lost – will make us think of the later T.S.Eliot.’

9. Two more books with essays by Paul V. Rubow and also five more french books on french literature.

(Posted 18.Nov./07.Dec.2018)

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